🎅SAFE SANTA MASK: Stay SANTAastically Safe and get your mask beard on with the merriest mask ever made!
🥳Say goodbye to 2021 with a hearty laugh! Slip-on your SANTAstically SAFE MASK-BEARD and party with the merriest Santa Claus costume ever made!
but if you’d like to keep safe and properly social-distanced while still maintaining your Christmas cheer, then this amazing Santa Beard face mask might be for you.
It’s essentially a regular red face mask that has a big bushy Santa beard and mustache attached right to the front of it, this way, if someone sees you wearing it, they might not even know you’re wearing a mask!
They make for perfect stocking stuffers, white elephant gifts, or just a great face mask for mall Santa’s!
From holiday shopping to family gatherings, celebrate these holidays responsibly while upping the octane on your HO-HO-HO Holiday Cheer!
Makes a wonderfully festive Christmas Gift during these most unusual times! ONE SIZE FITS ALL (adults)
This Is A Great Gift For yourself or your friend!
Click “ADD TO CART” To Get Yours Now!